(endog_name, formula=None, model_class=None, init_kwds=None, fit_kwds=None, predict_kwds=None, k_pmm=20, perturbation_method=None)[source]¶ Specify the imputation process for a single variable.
Parameters: endog_name : string
Name of the variable to be imputed.
formula : string
Conditional formula for imputation. Defaults to a formula with main effects for all other variables in dataset. The formula should only include an expression for the mean structure, e.g. use ‘x1 + x2’ not ‘x4 ~ x1 + x2’.
model_class : statsmodels model
Conditional model for imputation. Defaults to OLS. See below for more information.
init_kwds : dit-like
Keyword arguments passed to the model init method.
fit_kwds : dict-like
Keyword arguments passed to the model fit method.
predict_kwds : dict-like
Keyword arguments passed to the model predict method.
k_pmm : int
Determines number of neighboring observations from which to randomly sample when using predictive mean matching.
perturbation_method : string
Either ‘gaussian’ or ‘bootstrap’. Determines the method for perturbing parameters in the imputation model. If None, uses the default specified at class initialization.
- The model class must meet the following conditions:
- A model must have a ‘fit’ method that returns an object.
- The object returned from fit must have a params attribute that is an array-like object.
- The object returned from fit must have a cov_params method that returns a square array-like object.
- The model must have a predict method.