# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Dec 19 11:29:18 2014
Author: Josef Perktold
License: BSD-3
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
# this is similar to ContrastResults after t_test, partially copied and adjusted
[docs]class PredictionResults(object):
def __init__(self, predicted_mean, var_pred_mean, var_resid,
df=None, dist=None, row_labels=None):
self.predicted_mean = predicted_mean
self.var_pred_mean = var_pred_mean
self.df = df
self.var_resid = var_resid
self.row_labels = row_labels
if dist is None or dist == 'norm':
self.dist = stats.norm
self.dist_args = ()
elif dist == 't':
self.dist = stats.t
self.dist_args = (self.df,)
self.dist = dist
self.dist_args = ()
def se_obs(self):
return np.sqrt(self.var_pred_mean + self.var_resid)
def se_mean(self):
return np.sqrt(self.var_pred_mean)
[docs] def conf_int(self, obs=False, alpha=0.05):
Returns the confidence interval of the value, `effect` of the constraint.
This is currently only available for t and z tests.
alpha : float, optional
The significance level for the confidence interval.
ie., The default `alpha` = .05 returns a 95% confidence interval.
ci : ndarray, (k_constraints, 2)
The array has the lower and the upper limit of the confidence
interval in the columns.
se = self.se_obs if obs else self.se_mean
q = self.dist.ppf(1 - alpha / 2., *self.dist_args)
lower = self.predicted_mean - q * se
upper = self.predicted_mean + q * se
return np.column_stack((lower, upper))
[docs] def summary_frame(self, what='all', alpha=0.05):
# TODO: finish and cleanup
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.compat.collections import OrderedDict
ci_obs = self.conf_int(alpha=alpha, obs=True) # need to split
ci_mean = self.conf_int(alpha=alpha, obs=False)
to_include = OrderedDict()
to_include['mean'] = self.predicted_mean
to_include['mean_se'] = self.se_mean
to_include['mean_ci_lower'] = ci_mean[:, 0]
to_include['mean_ci_upper'] = ci_mean[:, 1]
to_include['obs_ci_lower'] = ci_obs[:, 0]
to_include['obs_ci_upper'] = ci_obs[:, 1]
self.table = to_include
#OrderedDict doesn't work to preserve sequence
# pandas dict doesn't handle 2d_array
#data = np.column_stack(list(to_include.values()))
#names = ....
res = pd.DataFrame(to_include, index=self.row_labels,
return res
def get_prediction(self, exog=None, transform=True, weights=None,
row_labels=None, pred_kwds=None):
compute prediction results
exog : array-like, optional
The values for which you want to predict.
transform : bool, optional
If the model was fit via a formula, do you want to pass
exog through the formula. Default is True. E.g., if you fit
a model y ~ log(x1) + log(x2), and transform is True, then
you can pass a data structure that contains x1 and x2 in
their original form. Otherwise, you'd need to log the data
weights : array_like, optional
Weights interpreted as in WLS, used for the variance of the predicted
args, kwargs :
Some models can take additional arguments or keywords, see the
predict method of the model for the details.
prediction_results : linear_model.PredictionResults
The prediction results instance contains prediction and prediction
variance and can on demand calculate confidence intervals and summary
tables for the prediction of the mean and of new observations.
### prepare exog and row_labels, based on base Results.predict
if transform and hasattr(self.model, 'formula') and exog is not None:
from patsy import dmatrix
exog = dmatrix(self.model.data.design_info.builder,
if exog is not None:
if row_labels is None:
row_labels = getattr(exog, 'index', None)
if callable(row_labels):
row_labels = None
exog = np.asarray(exog)
if exog.ndim == 1 and (self.model.exog.ndim == 1 or
self.model.exog.shape[1] == 1):
exog = exog[:, None]
exog = np.atleast_2d(exog) # needed in count model shape[1]
exog = self.model.exog
if weights is None:
weights = getattr(self.model, 'weights', None)
if row_labels is None:
row_labels = getattr(self.model.data, 'row_labels', None)
# need to handle other arrays, TODO: is delegating to model possible ?
if weights is not None:
weights = np.asarray(weights)
if (weights.size > 1 and
(weights.ndim != 1 or weights.shape[0] == exog.shape[1])):
raise ValueError('weights has wrong shape')
### end
if pred_kwds is None:
pred_kwds = {}
predicted_mean = self.model.predict(self.params, exog, **pred_kwds)
covb = self.cov_params()
var_pred_mean = (exog * np.dot(covb, exog.T).T).sum(1)
var_resid = self.scale # self.mse_resid / weights
# TODO: check that we have correct scale, Refactor scale #???
# special case for now:
if self.cov_type == 'fixed scale':
var_resid = self.cov_kwds['scale']
if weights is not None:
var_resid /= weights
dist = ['norm', 't'][self.use_t]
return PredictionResults(predicted_mean, var_pred_mean, var_resid,
df=self.df_resid, dist=dist,