Source code for statsmodels.multivariate.cancorr
"""Canonical correlation analysis
author: Yichuan Liu
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import svd
import scipy
import pandas as pd
from statsmodels.base.model import Model
from statsmodels.iolib import summary2
from .multivariate_ols import multivariate_stats
class CanCorr(Model):
Canonical correlation analysis using singular value decomposition
For matrices exog=x and endog=y, find projections x_cancoef and y_cancoef
such that:
x1 = x * x_cancoef, x1' * x1 is identity matrix
y1 = y * y_cancoef, y1' * y1 is identity matrix
and the correlation between x1 and y1 is maximized.
endog : ndarray
See Parameters.
exog : ndarray
See Parameters.
cancorr : ndarray
The canonical correlation values
y_cancoef : ndarray
The canonical coefficients for endog
x_cancoef : ndarray
The canonical coefficients for exog
.. [*]
.. [*]
.. [*]
""" # noqa:E501
def __init__(self, endog, exog, tolerance=1e-8, missing='none', hasconst=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(endog, exog, missing=missing,
hasconst=hasconst, **kwargs)
def _fit(self, tolerance=1e-8):
"""Fit the model
A ValueError is raised if there are singular values smaller than the
tolerance. The treatment of singular arrays might change in future.
tolerance : float
eigenvalue tolerance, values smaller than which is considered 0
nobs, k_yvar = self.endog.shape
nobs, k_xvar = self.exog.shape
k = np.min([k_yvar, k_xvar])
x = np.array(self.exog)
x = x - x.mean(0)
y = np.array(self.endog)
y = y - y.mean(0)
ux, sx, vx = svd(x, 0)
# vx_ds = vx.T divided by sx
vx_ds = vx.T
mask = sx > tolerance
if mask.sum() < len(mask):
raise ValueError('exog is collinear.')
vx_ds[:, mask] /= sx[mask]
uy, sy, vy = svd(y, 0)
# vy_ds = vy.T divided by sy
vy_ds = vy.T
mask = sy > tolerance
if mask.sum() < len(mask):
raise ValueError('endog is collinear.')
vy_ds[:, mask] /= sy[mask]
u, s, v = svd(, 0)
# Correct any roundoff
self.cancorr = np.array([max(0, min(s[i], 1)) for i in range(len(s))])
self.x_cancoef =[:, :k])
self.y_cancoef =[:, :k])
def corr_test(self):
"""Approximate F test
Perform multivariate statistical tests of the hypothesis that
there is no canonical correlation between endog and exog.
For each canonical correlation, testing its significance based on
Wilks' lambda.
CanCorrTestResults instance
nobs, k_yvar = self.endog.shape
nobs, k_xvar = self.exog.shape
eigenvals = np.power(self.cancorr, 2)
stats = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Canonical Correlation', "Wilks' lambda",
'Num DF','Den DF', 'F Value','Pr > F'],
index=list(range(len(eigenvals) - 1, -1, -1)))
prod = 1
for i in range(len(eigenvals) - 1, -1, -1):
prod *= 1 - eigenvals[i]
p = k_yvar - i
q = k_xvar - i
r = (nobs - k_yvar - 1) - (p - q + 1) / 2
u = (p * q - 2) / 4
df1 = p * q
if p ** 2 + q ** 2 - 5 > 0:
t = np.sqrt(((p * q) ** 2 - 4) / (p ** 2 + q ** 2 - 5))
t = 1
df2 = r * t - 2 * u
lmd = np.power(prod, 1 / t)
F = (1 - lmd) / lmd * df2 / df1
stats.loc[i, 'Canonical Correlation'] = self.cancorr[i]
stats.loc[i, "Wilks' lambda"] = prod
stats.loc[i, 'Num DF'] = df1
stats.loc[i, 'Den DF'] = df2
stats.loc[i, 'F Value'] = F
pval = scipy.stats.f.sf(F, df1, df2)
stats.loc[i, 'Pr > F'] = pval
# Wilk's Chi square test of each canonical correlation
df = (p - i + 1) * (q - i + 1)
chi2 = a * np.log(prod)
pval = stats.chi2.sf(chi2, df)
stats.loc[i, 'Canonical correlation'] = self.cancorr[i]
stats.loc[i, 'Chi-square'] = chi2
stats.loc[i, 'DF'] = df
stats.loc[i, 'Pr > ChiSq'] = pval
ind = stats.index.values[::-1]
stats = stats.loc[ind, :]
# Multivariate tests (remember x has mean removed)
stats_mv = multivariate_stats(eigenvals,
k_yvar, k_xvar, nobs - k_xvar - 1)
return CanCorrTestResults(stats, stats_mv)
class CanCorrTestResults:
Canonical correlation results class
stats : DataFrame
Contain statistical tests results for each canonical correlation
stats_mv : DataFrame
Contain the multivariate statistical tests results
def __init__(self, stats, stats_mv):
self.stats = stats
self.stats_mv = stats_mv
def __str__(self):
return self.summary().__str__()
def summary(self):
summ = summary2.Summary()
summ.add_title('Cancorr results')
summ.add_dict({'': ''})
summ.add_dict({'Multivariate Statistics and F Approximations': ''})
return summ
Last update:
Feb 19, 2025