Source code for statsmodels.iolib.summary2

from statsmodels.compat.python import lzip

import datetime
from functools import reduce
import re
import textwrap

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .table import SimpleTable
from .tableformatting import fmt_latex, fmt_txt

[docs]class Summary(object): def __init__(self): self.tables = [] self.settings = [] self.extra_txt = [] self.title = None self._merge_latex = False def __str__(self): return self.as_text() def __repr__(self): return str(type(self)) + '\n"""\n' + self.__str__() + '\n"""' def _repr_html_(self): """Display as HTML in IPython notebook.""" return self.as_html()
[docs] def add_df(self, df, index=True, header=True, float_format='%.4f', align='r'): """ Add the contents of a DataFrame to summary table Parameters ---------- df : DataFrame header : bool Reproduce the DataFrame column labels in summary table index : bool Reproduce the DataFrame row labels in summary table float_format : str Formatting to float data columns align : str Data alignment (l/c/r) """ settings = {'index': index, 'header': header, 'float_format': float_format, 'align': align} self.tables.append(df) self.settings.append(settings)
[docs] def add_array(self, array, align='r', float_format="%.4f"): """Add the contents of a Numpy array to summary table Parameters ---------- array : numpy array (2D) float_format : str Formatting to array if type is float align : str Data alignment (l/c/r) """ table = pd.DataFrame(array) self.add_df(table, index=False, header=False, float_format=float_format, align=align)
[docs] def add_dict(self, d, ncols=2, align='l', float_format="%.4f"): """Add the contents of a Dict to summary table Parameters ---------- d : dict Keys and values are automatically coerced to strings with str(). Users are encouraged to format them before using add_dict. ncols : int Number of columns of the output table align : str Data alignment (l/c/r) float_format : str Formatting to float data columns """ keys = [_formatter(x, float_format) for x in d.keys()] vals = [_formatter(x, float_format) for x in d.values()] data = np.array(lzip(keys, vals)) if data.shape[0] % ncols != 0: pad = ncols - (data.shape[0] % ncols) data = np.vstack([data, np.array(pad * [['', '']])]) data = np.split(data, ncols) data = reduce(lambda x, y: np.hstack([x, y]), data) self.add_array(data, align=align)
[docs] def add_text(self, string): """Append a note to the bottom of the summary table. In ASCII tables, the note will be wrapped to table width. Notes are not indendented. """ self.extra_txt.append(string)
[docs] def add_title(self, title=None, results=None): """Insert a title on top of the summary table. If a string is provided in the title argument, that string is printed. If no title string is provided but a results instance is provided, statsmodels attempts to construct a useful title automatically. """ if isinstance(title, str): self.title = title else: if results is not None: model = results.model.__class__.__name__ if model in _model_types: model = _model_types[model] self.title = 'Results: ' + model else: self.title = ''
[docs] def add_base(self, results, alpha=0.05, float_format="%.4f", title=None, xname=None, yname=None): """Try to construct a basic summary instance. Parameters ---------- results : Model results instance alpha : float significance level for the confidence intervals (optional) float_format: str Float formatting for summary of parameters (optional) title : str Title of the summary table (optional) xname : list[str] of length equal to the number of parameters Names of the independent variables (optional) yname : str Name of the dependent variable (optional) """ param = summary_params(results, alpha=alpha, use_t=results.use_t) info = summary_model(results) if xname is not None: param.index = xname if yname is not None: info['Dependent Variable:'] = yname self.add_dict(info, align='l') self.add_df(param, float_format=float_format) self.add_title(title=title, results=results)
[docs] def as_text(self): """Generate ASCII Summary Table """ tables = self.tables settings = self.settings title = self.title extra_txt = self.extra_txt pad_col, pad_index, widest = _measure_tables(tables, settings) rule_equal = widest * '=' simple_tables = _simple_tables(tables, settings, pad_col, pad_index) tab = [x.as_text() for x in simple_tables] tab = '\n'.join(tab) tab = tab.split('\n') tab[0] = rule_equal tab.append(rule_equal) tab = '\n'.join(tab) if title is not None: title = title if len(title) < widest: title = ' ' * int(widest / 2 - len(title) / 2) + title else: title = '' txt = [textwrap.wrap(x, widest) for x in extra_txt] txt = ['\n'.join(x) for x in txt] txt = '\n'.join(txt) out = '\n'.join([title, tab, txt]) return out
[docs] def as_html(self): """Generate HTML Summary Table """ tables = self.tables settings = self.settings simple_tables = _simple_tables(tables, settings) tab = [x.as_html() for x in simple_tables] tab = '\n'.join(tab) return tab
[docs] def as_latex(self, label=''): """Generate LaTeX Summary Table Parameters ---------- label : str Label of the summary table that can be referenced in a latex document (optional) """ tables = self.tables settings = self.settings title = self.title if title is not None: title = '\\caption{' + title + '}' else: title = '\\caption{}' label = '\\label{' + label + '}' simple_tables = _simple_tables(tables, settings) tab = [x.as_latex_tabular() for x in simple_tables] tab = '\n\n'.join(tab) to_replace = ('\\\\hline\\n\\\\hline\\n\\\\' 'end{tabular}\\n\\\\begin{tabular}{.*}\\n') if self._merge_latex: # create single tabular object for summary_col tab = re.sub(to_replace, r'\\midrule\n', tab) out = '\\begin{table}', title, label, tab, '\\end{table}' out = '\n'.join(out) return out
def _measure_tables(tables, settings): """Compare width of ascii tables in a list and calculate padding values. We add space to each col_sep to get us as close as possible to the width of the largest table. Then, we add a few spaces to the first column to pad the rest. """ simple_tables = _simple_tables(tables, settings) tab = [x.as_text() for x in simple_tables] length = [len(x.splitlines()[0]) for x in tab] len_max = max(length) pad_sep = [] pad_index = [] for i in range(len(tab)): nsep = max(tables[i].shape[1] - 1, 1) pad = int((len_max - length[i]) / nsep) pad_sep.append(pad) len_new = length[i] + nsep * pad pad_index.append(len_max - len_new) return pad_sep, pad_index, max(length) # Useful stuff # TODO: be more specific _model_types = {'OLS': 'Ordinary least squares', 'GLS': 'Generalized least squares', 'GLSAR': 'Generalized least squares with AR(p)', 'WLS': 'Weighted least squares', 'RLM': 'Robust linear model', 'NBin': 'Negative binomial model', 'GLM': 'Generalized linear model' } def summary_model(results): """ Create a dict with information about the model """ def time_now(*args, **kwds): now = return now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') info = {} info['Model:'] = lambda x: x.model.__class__.__name__ info['Model Family:'] = lambda x: info['Link Function:'] = lambda x: info['Dependent Variable:'] = lambda x: x.model.endog_names info['Date:'] = time_now info['No. Observations:'] = lambda x: "%#6d" % x.nobs info['Df Model:'] = lambda x: "%#6d" % x.df_model info['Df Residuals:'] = lambda x: "%#6d" % x.df_resid info['Converged:'] = lambda x: x.mle_retvals['converged'] info['No. Iterations:'] = lambda x: x.mle_retvals['iterations'] info['Method:'] = lambda x: x.method info['Norm:'] = lambda x: x.fit_options['norm'] info['Scale Est.:'] = lambda x: x.fit_options['scale_est'] info['Cov. Type:'] = lambda x: x.fit_options['cov'] rsquared_type = '' if results.k_constant else ' (uncentered)' info['R-squared' + rsquared_type + ':'] = lambda x: "%#8.3f" % x.rsquared info['Adj. R-squared' + rsquared_type + ':'] = lambda x: "%#8.3f" % x.rsquared_adj # noqa:E501 info['Pseudo R-squared:'] = lambda x: "%#8.3f" % x.prsquared info['AIC:'] = lambda x: "%8.4f" % x.aic info['BIC:'] = lambda x: "%8.4f" % x.bic info['Log-Likelihood:'] = lambda x: "%#8.5g" % x.llf info['LL-Null:'] = lambda x: "%#8.5g" % x.llnull info['LLR p-value:'] = lambda x: "%#8.5g" % x.llr_pvalue info['Deviance:'] = lambda x: "%#8.5g" % x.deviance info['Pearson chi2:'] = lambda x: "%#6.3g" % x.pearson_chi2 info['F-statistic:'] = lambda x: "%#8.4g" % x.fvalue info['Prob (F-statistic):'] = lambda x: "%#6.3g" % x.f_pvalue info['Scale:'] = lambda x: "%#8.5g" % x.scale out = {} for key, func in info.items(): try: out[key] = func(results) except (AttributeError, KeyError, NotImplementedError): # NOTE: some models do not have loglike defined (RLM), # so raise NotImplementedError pass return out def summary_params(results, yname=None, xname=None, alpha=.05, use_t=True, skip_header=False, float_format="%.4f"): """create a summary table of parameters from results instance Parameters ---------- res : results instance some required information is directly taken from the result instance yname : {str, None} optional name for the endogenous variable, default is "y" xname : {list[str], None} optional names for the exogenous variables, default is "var_xx" alpha : float significance level for the confidence intervals use_t : bool indicator whether the p-values are based on the Student-t distribution (if True) or on the normal distribution (if False) skip_header : bool If false (default), then the header row is added. If true, then no header row is added. float_format : str float formatting options (e.g. ".3g") Returns ------- params_table : SimpleTable instance """ if isinstance(results, tuple): results, params, bse, tvalues, pvalues, conf_int = results else: params = results.params bse = results.bse tvalues = results.tvalues pvalues = results.pvalues conf_int = results.conf_int(alpha) data = np.array([params, bse, tvalues, pvalues]).T data = np.hstack([data, conf_int]) data = pd.DataFrame(data) if use_t: data.columns = ['Coef.', 'Std.Err.', 't', 'P>|t|', '[' + str(alpha / 2), str(1 - alpha / 2) + ']'] else: data.columns = ['Coef.', 'Std.Err.', 'z', 'P>|z|', '[' + str(alpha / 2), str(1 - alpha / 2) + ']'] if not xname: try: data.index = except AttributeError: data.index = results.model.exog_names else: data.index = xname return data # Vertical summary instance for multiple models def _col_params(result, float_format='%.4f', stars=True): """Stack coefficients and standard errors in single column """ # Extract parameters res = summary_params(result) # Format float for col in res.columns[:2]: res[col] = res[col].apply(lambda x: float_format % x) # Std.Errors in parentheses res.iloc[:, 1] = '(' + res.iloc[:, 1] + ')' # Significance stars if stars: idx = res.iloc[:, 3] < .1 res.loc[idx, res.columns[0]] = res.loc[idx, res.columns[0]] + '*' idx = res.iloc[:, 3] < .05 res.loc[idx, res.columns[0]] = res.loc[idx, res.columns[0]] + '*' idx = res.iloc[:, 3] < .01 res.loc[idx, res.columns[0]] = res.loc[idx, res.columns[0]] + '*' # Stack Coefs and Std.Errors res = res.iloc[:, :2] res = res.stack() rsquared = getattr(result, 'rsquared', np.nan) rsquared_adj = getattr(result, 'rsquared_adj', np.nan) r2 = pd.Series({('R-squared', ""): rsquared, ('R-squared Adj.', ""): rsquared_adj}) if r2.notnull().any(): r2 = r2.apply(lambda x: float_format % x) res = pd.concat([res, r2], axis=0) res = pd.DataFrame(res) res.columns = [str(result.model.endog_names)] return res def _col_info(result, info_dict=None): """Stack model info in a column """ if info_dict is None: info_dict = {} out = [] index = [] for i in info_dict: if isinstance(info_dict[i], dict): # this is a specific model info_dict, but not for this result... continue try: out.append(info_dict[i](result)) except AttributeError: out.append('') index.append(i) out = pd.DataFrame({str(result.model.endog_names): out}, index=index) return out def _make_unique(list_of_names): if len(set(list_of_names)) == len(list_of_names): return list_of_names # pandas does not like it if multiple columns have the same names from collections import defaultdict name_counter = defaultdict(str) header = [] for _name in list_of_names: name_counter[_name] += "I" header.append(_name + " " + name_counter[_name]) return header def summary_col(results, float_format='%.4f', model_names=(), stars=False, info_dict=None, regressor_order=(), drop_omitted=False): """ Summarize multiple results instances side-by-side (coefs and SEs) Parameters ---------- results : statsmodels results instance or list of result instances float_format : str, optional float format for coefficients and standard errors Default : '%.4f' model_names : list[str], optional Must have same length as the number of results. If the names are not unique, a roman number will be appended to all model names stars : bool print significance stars info_dict : dict, default None dict of functions to be applied to results instances to retrieve model info. To use specific information for different models, add a (nested) info_dict with model name as the key. Example: `info_dict = {"N":lambda x:(x.nobs), "R2": ..., "OLS":{ "R2":...}}` would only show `R2` for OLS regression models, but additionally `N` for all other results. Default : None (use the info_dict specified in result.default_model_infos, if this property exists) regressor_order : list[str], optional list of names of the regressors in the desired order. All regressors not specified will be appended to the end of the list. drop_omitted : bool, optional Includes regressors that are not specified in regressor_order. If False, regressors not specified will be appended to end of the list. If True, only regressors in regressor_order will be included. """ if not isinstance(results, list): results = [results] cols = [_col_params(x, stars=stars, float_format=float_format) for x in results] # Unique column names (pandas has problems merging otherwise) if model_names: colnames = _make_unique(model_names) else: colnames = _make_unique([x.columns[0] for x in cols]) for i in range(len(cols)): cols[i].columns = [colnames[i]] def merg(x, y): return x.merge(y, how='outer', right_index=True, left_index=True) summ = reduce(merg, cols) if regressor_order: varnames = summ.index.get_level_values(0).tolist() vc = pd.Series(varnames).value_counts() varnames = vc.loc[vc == 2].index.tolist() ordered = [x for x in regressor_order if x in varnames] unordered = [x for x in varnames if x not in regressor_order] new_order = ordered + unordered other = [x for x in summ.index.get_level_values(0) if x not in new_order] new_order += other if drop_omitted: for uo in unordered: new_order.remove(uo) summ = summ.loc[new_order] idx = [] index = summ.index.get_level_values(0) for i in range(0, index.shape[0], 2): idx.append(index[i]) if (i + 1) < index.shape[0] and (index[i] == index[i + 1]): idx.append("") else: idx.append(index[i + 1]) summ.index = idx # add infos about the models. if info_dict: cols = [_col_info(x, info_dict.get(x.model.__class__.__name__, info_dict)) for x in results] else: cols = [_col_info(x, getattr(x, "default_model_infos", None)) for x in results] # use unique column names, otherwise the merge will not succeed for df, name in zip(cols, _make_unique([df.columns[0] for df in cols])): df.columns = [name] def merg(x, y): return x.merge(y, how='outer', right_index=True, left_index=True) info = reduce(merg, cols) dat = pd.DataFrame(np.vstack([summ, info])) # pd.concat better, but error dat.columns = summ.columns dat.index = pd.Index(summ.index.tolist() + info.index.tolist()) summ = dat summ = summ.fillna('') smry = Summary() smry._merge_latex = True smry.add_df(summ, header=True, align='l') smry.add_text('Standard errors in parentheses.') if stars: smry.add_text('* p<.1, ** p<.05, ***p<.01') return smry def _formatter(element, float_format='%.4f'): try: out = float_format % element except (ValueError, TypeError): out = str(element) return out.strip() def _df_to_simpletable(df, align='r', float_format="%.4f", header=True, index=True, table_dec_above='-', table_dec_below=None, header_dec_below='-', pad_col=0, pad_index=0): dat = df.copy() dat = dat.applymap(lambda x: _formatter(x, float_format)) if header: headers = [str(x) for x in dat.columns.tolist()] else: headers = None if index: stubs = [str(x) + int(pad_index) * ' ' for x in dat.index.tolist()] else: dat.iloc[:, 0] = [str(x) + int(pad_index) * ' ' for x in dat.iloc[:, 0]] stubs = None st = SimpleTable(np.array(dat), headers=headers, stubs=stubs, ltx_fmt=fmt_latex, txt_fmt=fmt_txt) st.output_formats['latex']['data_aligns'] = align st.output_formats['latex']['header_align'] = align st.output_formats['txt']['data_aligns'] = align st.output_formats['txt']['table_dec_above'] = table_dec_above st.output_formats['txt']['table_dec_below'] = table_dec_below st.output_formats['txt']['header_dec_below'] = header_dec_below st.output_formats['txt']['colsep'] = ' ' * int(pad_col + 1) return st def _simple_tables(tables, settings, pad_col=None, pad_index=None): simple_tables = [] float_format = settings[0]['float_format'] if settings else '%.4f' if pad_col is None: pad_col = [0] * len(tables) if pad_index is None: pad_index = [0] * len(tables) for i, v in enumerate(tables): index = settings[i]['index'] header = settings[i]['header'] align = settings[i]['align'] simple_tables.append(_df_to_simpletable(v, align=align, float_format=float_format, header=header, index=index, pad_col=pad_col[i], pad_index=pad_index[i])) return simple_tables