Source code for statsmodels.iolib.table

Provides a simple table class.  A SimpleTable is essentially
a list of lists plus some formatting functionality.

Dependencies: the Python 2.5+ standard library.

Installation: just copy this module into your working directory (or
   anywhere in your pythonpath).

Basic use::

   mydata = [[11,12],[21,22]]  # data MUST be 2-dimensional
   myheaders = [ "Column 1", "Column 2" ]
   mystubs = [ "Row 1", "Row 2" ]
   tbl = SimpleTable(mydata, myheaders, mystubs, title="Title")
   print( tbl )
   print( tbl.as_csv() )

A SimpleTable is inherently (but not rigidly) rectangular.
You should create it from a *rectangular* (2d!) iterable of data.
Each item in your rectangular iterable will become the data
of a single Cell.  In principle, items can be any object,
not just numbers and strings.  However, default conversion
during table production is by simple string interpolation.
(So you cannot have a tuple as a data item *and* rely on
the default conversion.)

A SimpleTable allows only one column (the first) of stubs at
initilization, concatenation of tables allows you to produce tables
with interior stubs.  (You can also assign the datatype 'stub' to the
cells in any column, or use ``insert_stubs``.) A SimpleTable can be
concatenated with another SimpleTable or extended by another
SimpleTable. ::


A SimpleTable can be initialized with `datatypes`: a list of ints that
provide indexes into `data_fmts` and `data_aligns`.  Each data cell is
assigned a datatype, which will control formatting.  If you do not
specify the `datatypes` list, it will be set to ``range(ncols)`` where
`ncols` is the number of columns in the data.  (I.e., cells in a
column have their own datatype.) This means that you can just specify
`data_fmts` without bothering to provide a `datatypes` list.  If
``len(datatypes)<ncols`` then datatype assignment will cycle across a
row.  E.g., if you provide 10 columns of data with ``datatypes=[0,1]``
then you will have 5 columns of datatype 0 and 5 columns of datatype
1, alternating.  Correspoding to this specification, you should provide
a list of two ``data_fmts`` and a list of two ``data_aligns``.

Cells can be assigned labels as their `datatype` attribute.
You can then provide a format for that lable.
Us the SimpleTable's `label_cells` method to do this.  ::

    def mylabeller(cell):
        if is np.nan:
            return 'missing'


Potential problems for Python 3

- Calls ``next`` instead of ``__next__``.
  The 2to3 tool should handle that no problem.
  (We will switch to the `next` function if 2.5 support is ever dropped.)
- Let me know if you find other problems.

:contact: alan dot isaac at gmail dot com
:requires: Python 2.5.1+
:note: current version
:note: HTML data format currently specifies tags
:todo: support a bit more of
:todo: add labels2formatters method, that associates a cell formatter with a
:todo: add colspan support to Cell
:since: 2008-12-21
:change: 2010-05-02 eliminate newlines that came before and after table
:change: 2010-05-06 add `label_cells` to `SimpleTable`

from statsmodels.compat.python import lmap, lrange

from itertools import cycle, zip_longest
import csv

[docs]def csv2st(csvfile, headers=False, stubs=False, title=None): """Return SimpleTable instance, created from the data in `csvfile`, which is in comma separated values format. The first row may contain headers: set headers=True. The first column may contain stubs: set stubs=True. Can also supply headers and stubs as tuples of strings. """ rows = list() with open(csvfile, 'r') as fh: reader = csv.reader(fh) if headers is True: headers = next(reader) elif headers is False: headers = () if stubs is True: stubs = list() for row in reader: if row: stubs.append(row[0]) rows.append(row[1:]) else: # no stubs, or stubs provided for row in reader: if row: rows.append(row) if stubs is False: stubs = () nrows = len(rows) ncols = len(rows[0]) if any(nrows != ncols for row in rows): raise IOError('All rows of CSV file must have same length.') return SimpleTable(data=rows, headers=headers, stubs=stubs)
[docs]class SimpleTable(list): """Produce a simple ASCII, CSV, HTML, or LaTeX table from a *rectangular* (2d!) array of data, not necessarily numerical. Directly supports at most one header row, which should be the length of data[0]. Directly supports at most one stubs column, which must be the length of data. (But see `insert_stubs` method.) See globals `default_txt_fmt`, `default_csv_fmt`, `default_html_fmt`, and `default_latex_fmt` for formatting options. Sample uses:: mydata = [[11,12],[21,22]] # data MUST be 2-dimensional myheaders = [ "Column 1", "Column 2" ] mystubs = [ "Row 1", "Row 2" ] tbl = text.SimpleTable(mydata, myheaders, mystubs, title="Title") print( tbl ) print( tbl.as_html() ) # set column specific data formatting tbl = text.SimpleTable(mydata, myheaders, mystubs, data_fmts=["%3.2f","%d"]) print( tbl.as_csv() ) with open('c:/temp/temp.tex','w') as fh: fh.write( tbl.as_latex_tabular() ) """ def __init__(self, data, headers=None, stubs=None, title='', datatypes=None, csv_fmt=None, txt_fmt=None, ltx_fmt=None, html_fmt=None, celltype=None, rowtype=None, **fmt_dict): """ Parameters ---------- data : list of lists or 2d array (not matrix!) R rows by K columns of table elements headers : list (or tuple) of str sequence of K strings, one per header stubs : list (or tuple) of str sequence of R strings, one per stub title : str title of the table datatypes : list of int indexes to `data_fmts` txt_fmt : dict text formatting options ltx_fmt : dict latex formatting options csv_fmt : dict csv formatting options hmtl_fmt : dict hmtl formatting options celltype : class the cell class for the table (default: Cell) rowtype : class the row class for the table (default: Row) fmt_dict : dict general formatting options """ self.title = title self._datatypes = datatypes if self._datatypes is None: self._datatypes = [] if len(data) == 0 else lrange(len(data[0])) # start with default formatting self._txt_fmt = default_txt_fmt.copy() self._latex_fmt = default_latex_fmt.copy() self._csv_fmt = default_csv_fmt.copy() self._html_fmt = default_html_fmt.copy() # substitute any general user specified formatting # :note: these will be overridden by output specific arguments self._csv_fmt.update(fmt_dict) self._txt_fmt.update(fmt_dict) self._latex_fmt.update(fmt_dict) self._html_fmt.update(fmt_dict) # substitute any output-type specific formatting self._csv_fmt.update(csv_fmt or dict()) self._txt_fmt.update(txt_fmt or dict()) self._latex_fmt.update(ltx_fmt or dict()) self._html_fmt.update(html_fmt or dict()) self.output_formats = dict( txt=self._txt_fmt, csv=self._csv_fmt, html=self._html_fmt, latex=self._latex_fmt ) self._Cell = celltype or Cell self._Row = rowtype or Row rows = self._data2rows(data) # a list of Row instances list.__init__(self, rows) self._add_headers_stubs(headers, stubs) self._colwidths = dict() def __str__(self): return self.as_text() def __repr__(self): return str(type(self)) def _repr_html_(self, **fmt_dict): return self.as_html(**fmt_dict) def _add_headers_stubs(self, headers, stubs): """Return None. Adds headers and stubs to table, if these were provided at initialization. Parameters ---------- headers : list[str] K strings, where K is number of columns stubs : list[str] R strings, where R is number of non-header rows :note: a header row does not receive a stub! """ if headers: self.insert_header_row(0, headers, dec_below='header_dec_below') if stubs: self.insert_stubs(0, stubs)
[docs] def insert(self, idx, row, datatype=None): """Return None. Insert a row into a table. """ if datatype is None: try: datatype = row.datatype except AttributeError: pass row = self._Row(row, datatype=datatype, table=self) list.insert(self, idx, row)
[docs] def insert_header_row(self, rownum, headers, dec_below='header_dec_below'): """Return None. Insert a row of headers, where ``headers`` is a sequence of strings. (The strings may contain newlines, to indicated multiline headers.) """ header_rows = [header.split('\n') for header in headers] # rows in reverse order rows = list(zip_longest(*header_rows, **dict(fillvalue=''))) rows.reverse() for i, row in enumerate(rows): self.insert(rownum, row, datatype='header') if i == 0: self[rownum].dec_below = dec_below else: self[rownum].dec_below = None
[docs] def insert_stubs(self, loc, stubs): """Return None. Insert column of stubs at column `loc`. If there is a header row, it gets an empty cell. So ``len(stubs)`` should equal the number of non-header rows. """ _Cell = self._Cell stubs = iter(stubs) for row in self: if row.datatype == 'header': empty_cell = _Cell('', datatype='empty') row.insert(loc, empty_cell) else: try: row.insert_stub(loc, next(stubs)) except StopIteration: raise ValueError('length of stubs must match table length')
def _data2rows(self, raw_data): """Return list of Row, the raw data as rows of cells. """ _Cell = self._Cell _Row = self._Row rows = [] for datarow in raw_data: dtypes = cycle(self._datatypes) newrow = _Row(datarow, datatype='data', table=self, celltype=_Cell) for cell in newrow: cell.datatype = next(dtypes) cell.row = newrow # a cell knows its row rows.append(newrow) return rows
[docs] def pad(self, s, width, align): """DEPRECATED: just use the pad function""" return pad(s, width, align)
def _get_colwidths(self, output_format, **fmt_dict): """Return list, the calculated widths of each column.""" output_format = get_output_format(output_format) fmt = self.output_formats[output_format].copy() fmt.update(fmt_dict) ncols = max(len(row) for row in self) request = fmt.get('colwidths') if request == 0: # assume no extra space desired (e.g, CSV) return [0] * ncols elif request is None: # assume no extra space desired (e.g, CSV) request = [0] * ncols elif isinstance(request, int): request = [request] * ncols elif len(request) < ncols: request = [request[i % len(request)] for i in range(ncols)] min_widths = [] for col in zip(*self): maxwidth = max(len(c.format(0, output_format, **fmt)) for c in col) min_widths.append(maxwidth) result = lmap(max, min_widths, request) return result
[docs] def get_colwidths(self, output_format, **fmt_dict): """Return list, the widths of each column.""" call_args = [output_format] for k, v in sorted(fmt_dict.items()): if isinstance(v, list): call_args.append((k, tuple(v))) elif isinstance(v, dict): call_args.append((k, tuple(sorted(v.items())))) else: call_args.append((k, v)) key = tuple(call_args) try: return self._colwidths[key] except KeyError: self._colwidths[key] = self._get_colwidths(output_format, **fmt_dict) return self._colwidths[key]
def _get_fmt(self, output_format, **fmt_dict): """Return dict, the formatting options. """ output_format = get_output_format(output_format) # first get the default formatting try: fmt = self.output_formats[output_format].copy() except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown format: %s' % output_format) # then, add formatting specific to this call fmt.update(fmt_dict) return fmt
[docs] def as_csv(self, **fmt_dict): """Return string, the table in CSV format. Currently only supports comma separator.""" # fetch the format, which may just be default_csv_format fmt = self._get_fmt('csv', **fmt_dict) return self.as_text(**fmt)
[docs] def as_text(self, **fmt_dict): """Return string, the table as text.""" # fetch the text format, override with fmt_dict fmt = self._get_fmt('txt', **fmt_dict) # get rows formatted as strings formatted_rows = [row.as_string('text', **fmt) for row in self] rowlen = len(formatted_rows[-1]) # do not use header row # place decoration above the table body, if desired table_dec_above = fmt.get('table_dec_above', '=') if table_dec_above: formatted_rows.insert(0, table_dec_above * rowlen) # next place a title at the very top, if desired # :note: user can include a newlines at end of title if desired title = self.title if title: title = pad(self.title, rowlen, fmt.get('title_align', 'c')) formatted_rows.insert(0, title) # add decoration below the table, if desired table_dec_below = fmt.get('table_dec_below', '-') if table_dec_below: formatted_rows.append(table_dec_below * rowlen) return '\n'.join(formatted_rows)
[docs] def as_html(self, **fmt_dict): """Return string. This is the default formatter for HTML tables. An HTML table formatter must accept as arguments a table and a format dictionary. """ # fetch the text format, override with fmt_dict fmt = self._get_fmt('html', **fmt_dict) formatted_rows = ['<table class="simpletable">'] if self.title: title = '<caption>%s</caption>' % self.title formatted_rows.append(title) formatted_rows.extend(row.as_string('html', **fmt) for row in self) formatted_rows.append('</table>') return '\n'.join(formatted_rows)
[docs] def as_latex_tabular(self, center=True, **fmt_dict): '''Return string, the table as a LaTeX tabular environment. Note: will require the booktabs package.''' # fetch the text format, override with fmt_dict fmt = self._get_fmt('latex', **fmt_dict) formatted_rows = [] if center: formatted_rows.append(r'\begin{center}') table_dec_above = fmt['table_dec_above'] or '' table_dec_below = fmt['table_dec_below'] or '' prev_aligns = None last = None for row in self + [last]: if row == last: aligns = None else: aligns = row.get_aligns('latex', **fmt) if aligns != prev_aligns: # When the number/type of columns changes... if prev_aligns: # ... if there is a tabular to close, close it... formatted_rows.append(table_dec_below) formatted_rows.append(r'\end{tabular}') if aligns: # ... and if there are more lines, open a new one: formatted_rows.append(r'\begin{tabular}{%s}' % aligns) if not prev_aligns: # (with a nice line if it's the top of the whole table) formatted_rows.append(table_dec_above) if row != last: formatted_rows.append( row.as_string(output_format='latex', **fmt)) prev_aligns = aligns # tabular does not support caption, but make it available for # figure environment if self.title: title = r'%%\caption{%s}' % self.title formatted_rows.append(title) if center: formatted_rows.append(r'\end{center}') # Replace $$ due to bug in GH 5444 return '\n'.join(formatted_rows).replace('$$', ' ')
[docs] def extend_right(self, table): """Return None. Extend each row of `self` with corresponding row of `table`. Does **not** import formatting from ``table``. This generally makes sense only if the two tables have the same number of rows, but that is not enforced. :note: To extend append a table below, just use `extend`, which is the ordinary list method. This generally makes sense only if the two tables have the same number of columns, but that is not enforced. """ for row1, row2 in zip(self, table): row1.extend(row2)
[docs] def label_cells(self, func): """Return None. Labels cells based on `func`. If ``func(cell) is None`` then its datatype is not changed; otherwise it is set to ``func(cell)``. """ for row in self: for cell in row: label = func(cell) if label is not None: cell.datatype = label
@property def data(self): return [ for row in self]
def pad(s, width, align): """Return string padded with spaces, based on alignment parameter.""" if align == 'l': s = s.ljust(width) elif align == 'r': s = s.rjust(width) else: s = return s class Row(list): """Provides a table row as a list of cells. A row can belong to a SimpleTable, but does not have to. """ def __init__(self, seq, datatype='data', table=None, celltype=None, dec_below='row_dec_below', **fmt_dict): """ Parameters ---------- seq : sequence of data or cells table : SimpleTable datatype : str ('data' or 'header') dec_below : str (e.g., 'header_dec_below' or 'row_dec_below') decoration tag, identifies the decoration to go below the row. (Decoration is repeated as needed for text formats.) """ self.datatype = datatype self.table = table if celltype is None: if table is None: celltype = Cell else: celltype = table._Cell self._Cell = celltype self._fmt = fmt_dict self.special_fmts = dict() # special formatting for any output format self.dec_below = dec_below list.__init__(self, (celltype(cell, row=self) for cell in seq)) def add_format(self, output_format, **fmt_dict): """ Return None. Adds row-instance specific formatting for the specified output format. Example: myrow.add_format('txt', row_dec_below='+-') """ output_format = get_output_format(output_format) if output_format not in self.special_fmts: self.special_fmts[output_format] = dict() self.special_fmts[output_format].update(fmt_dict) def insert_stub(self, loc, stub): """Return None. Inserts a stub cell in the row at `loc`. """ _Cell = self._Cell if not isinstance(stub, _Cell): stub = stub stub = _Cell(stub, datatype='stub', row=self) self.insert(loc, stub) def _get_fmt(self, output_format, **fmt_dict): """Return dict, the formatting options. """ output_format = get_output_format(output_format) # first get the default formatting try: fmt = default_fmts[output_format].copy() except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown format: %s' % output_format) # second get table specific formatting (if possible) try: fmt.update(self.table.output_formats[output_format]) except AttributeError: pass # finally, add formatting for this row and this call fmt.update(self._fmt) fmt.update(fmt_dict) special_fmt = self.special_fmts.get(output_format, None) if special_fmt is not None: fmt.update(special_fmt) return fmt def get_aligns(self, output_format, **fmt_dict): """Return string, sequence of column alignments. Ensure comformable data_aligns in `fmt_dict`.""" fmt = self._get_fmt(output_format, **fmt_dict) return ''.join(cell.alignment(output_format, **fmt) for cell in self) def as_string(self, output_format='txt', **fmt_dict): """Return string: the formatted row. This is the default formatter for rows. Override this to get different formatting. A row formatter must accept as arguments a row (self) and an output format, one of ('html', 'txt', 'csv', 'latex'). """ fmt = self._get_fmt(output_format, **fmt_dict) # get column widths try: colwidths = self.table.get_colwidths(output_format, **fmt) except AttributeError: colwidths = fmt.get('colwidths') if colwidths is None: colwidths = (0,) * len(self) colsep = fmt['colsep'] row_pre = fmt.get('row_pre', '') row_post = fmt.get('row_post', '') formatted_cells = [] for cell, width in zip(self, colwidths): content = cell.format(width, output_format=output_format, **fmt) formatted_cells.append(content) formatted_row = row_pre + colsep.join(formatted_cells) + row_post formatted_row = self._decorate_below(formatted_row, output_format, **fmt) return formatted_row def _decorate_below(self, row_as_string, output_format, **fmt_dict): """This really only makes sense for the text and latex output formats. """ dec_below = fmt_dict.get(self.dec_below, None) if dec_below is None: result = row_as_string else: output_format = get_output_format(output_format) if output_format == 'txt': row0len = len(row_as_string) dec_len = len(dec_below) repeat, addon = divmod(row0len, dec_len) result = row_as_string + "\n" + (dec_below * repeat + dec_below[:addon]) elif output_format == 'latex': result = row_as_string + "\n" + dec_below else: raise ValueError("I cannot decorate a %s header." % output_format) return result @property def data(self): return [ for cell in self] class Cell(object): """Provides a table cell. A cell can belong to a Row, but does not have to. """ def __init__(self, data='', datatype=None, row=None, **fmt_dict): if isinstance(data, Cell): # might have passed a Cell instance = self._datatype = data.datatype self._fmt = data._fmt else: = data self._datatype = datatype self._fmt = dict() self._fmt.update(fmt_dict) self.row = row def __str__(self): return '%s' % def _get_fmt(self, output_format, **fmt_dict): """Return dict, the formatting options. """ output_format = get_output_format(output_format) # first get the default formatting try: fmt = default_fmts[output_format].copy() except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown format: %s' % output_format) # then get any table specific formtting try: fmt.update(self.row.table.output_formats[output_format]) except AttributeError: pass # then get any row specific formtting try: fmt.update(self.row._fmt) except AttributeError: pass # finally add formatting for this instance and call fmt.update(self._fmt) fmt.update(fmt_dict) return fmt def alignment(self, output_format, **fmt_dict): fmt = self._get_fmt(output_format, **fmt_dict) datatype = self.datatype data_aligns = fmt.get('data_aligns', 'c') if isinstance(datatype, int): align = data_aligns[datatype % len(data_aligns)] elif datatype == 'stub': # still support deprecated `stubs_align` align = fmt.get('stubs_align') or fmt.get('stub_align', 'l') elif datatype in fmt: label_align = '%s_align' % datatype align = fmt.get(label_align, 'c') else: raise ValueError('Unknown cell datatype: %s' % datatype) return align @staticmethod def _latex_escape(data, fmt, output_format): if output_format != 'latex': return data if "replacements" in fmt: if isinstance(data, str): for repl in sorted(fmt["replacements"]): data = data.replace(repl, fmt["replacements"][repl]) return data def format(self, width, output_format='txt', **fmt_dict): """Return string. This is the default formatter for cells. Override this to get different formating. A cell formatter must accept as arguments a cell (self) and an output format, one of ('html', 'txt', 'csv', 'latex'). It will generally respond to the datatype, one of (int, 'header', 'stub'). """ fmt = self._get_fmt(output_format, **fmt_dict) data = datatype = self.datatype data_fmts = fmt.get('data_fmts') if data_fmts is None: # chk allow for deprecated use of data_fmt data_fmt = fmt.get('data_fmt') if data_fmt is None: data_fmt = '%s' data_fmts = [data_fmt] if isinstance(datatype, int): datatype = datatype % len(data_fmts) # constrain to indexes data_fmt = data_fmts[datatype] if isinstance(data_fmt, str): content = data_fmt % (data,) elif callable(data_fmt): content = data_fmt(data) else: raise TypeError("Must be a string or a callable") if datatype == 0: content = self._latex_escape(content, fmt, output_format) elif datatype in fmt: data = self._latex_escape(data, fmt, output_format) dfmt = fmt.get(datatype) try: content = dfmt % (data,) except TypeError: # dfmt is not a substitution string content = dfmt else: raise ValueError('Unknown cell datatype: %s' % datatype) align = self.alignment(output_format, **fmt) return pad(content, width, align) def get_datatype(self): if self._datatype is None: dtype = self.row.datatype else: dtype = self._datatype return dtype def set_datatype(self, val): # TODO: add checking self._datatype = val datatype = property(get_datatype, set_datatype) # begin: default formats for SimpleTable """ Some formatting suggestions: - if you want rows to have no extra spacing, set colwidths=0 and colsep=''. (Naturally the columns will not align.) - if you want rows to have minimal extra spacing, set colwidths=1. The columns will align. - to get consistent formatting, you should leave all field width handling to SimpleTable: use 0 as the field width in data_fmts. E.g., :: data_fmts = ["%#0.6g","%#0.6g","%#0.4g","%#0.4g"], colwidths = 14, data_aligns = "r", """ default_txt_fmt = dict( fmt='txt', # basic table formatting table_dec_above='=', table_dec_below='-', title_align='c', # basic row formatting row_pre='', row_post='', header_dec_below='-', row_dec_below=None, colwidths=None, colsep=' ', data_aligns="r", # GH 1477 # data formats # data_fmt="%s", #deprecated; use data_fmts data_fmts=["%s"], # labeled alignments # stubs_align='l', #deprecated; use data_fmts stub_align='l', header_align='c', # labeled formats header_fmt='%s', # deprecated; just use 'header' stub_fmt='%s', # deprecated; just use 'stub' header='%s', stub='%s', empty_cell='', # deprecated; just use 'empty' empty='', missing='--', ) default_csv_fmt = dict( fmt='csv', table_dec_above=None, # '', table_dec_below=None, # '', # basic row formatting row_pre='', row_post='', header_dec_below=None, # '', row_dec_below=None, title_align='', data_aligns="l", colwidths=None, colsep=',', # data formats data_fmt='%s', # deprecated; use data_fmts data_fmts=['%s'], # labeled alignments # stubs_align='l', # deprecated; use data_fmts stub_align="l", header_align='c', # labeled formats header_fmt='"%s"', # deprecated; just use 'header' stub_fmt='"%s"', # deprecated; just use 'stub' empty_cell='', # deprecated; just use 'empty' header='%s', stub='%s', empty='', missing='--', ) default_html_fmt = dict( # basic table formatting table_dec_above=None, table_dec_below=None, header_dec_below=None, row_dec_below=None, title_align='c', # basic row formatting colwidths=None, colsep=' ', row_pre='<tr>\n ', row_post='\n</tr>', data_aligns="c", # data formats data_fmts=['<td>%s</td>'], data_fmt="<td>%s</td>", # deprecated; use data_fmts # labeled alignments # stubs_align='l', #deprecated; use data_fmts stub_align='l', header_align='c', # labeled formats header_fmt='<th>%s</th>', # deprecated; just use `header` stub_fmt='<th>%s</th>', # deprecated; just use `stub` empty_cell='<td></td>', # deprecated; just use `empty` header='<th>%s</th>', stub='<th>%s</th>', empty='<td></td>', missing='<td>--</td>', ) default_latex_fmt = dict( fmt='ltx', # basic table formatting table_dec_above=r'\toprule', table_dec_below=r'\bottomrule', header_dec_below=r'\midrule', row_dec_below=None, strip_backslash=True, # NotImplemented # row formatting row_post=r' \\', data_aligns='c', colwidths=None, colsep=' & ', # data formats data_fmts=['%s'], data_fmt='%s', # deprecated; use data_fmts # labeled alignments # stubs_align='l', # deprecated; use data_fmts stub_align='l', header_align='c', empty_align='l', # labeled formats header_fmt=r'\textbf{%s}', # deprecated; just use 'header' stub_fmt=r'\textbf{%s}', # deprecated; just use 'stub' empty_cell='', # deprecated; just use 'empty' header=r'\textbf{%s}', stub=r'\textbf{%s}', empty='', missing='--', # replacements will be processed in lexicographical order replacements={"#": r"\#", "$": r"\$", "%": r"\%", "&": r"\&", ">": r"$>$", "_": r"\_", "|": r"$|$"} ) default_fmts = dict( html=default_html_fmt, txt=default_txt_fmt, latex=default_latex_fmt, csv=default_csv_fmt ) output_format_translations = dict( htm='html', text='txt', ltx='latex' ) def get_output_format(output_format): if output_format not in ('html', 'txt', 'latex', 'csv'): try: output_format = output_format_translations[output_format] except KeyError: raise ValueError('unknown output format %s' % output_format) return output_format