'''Test for ratio of Poisson intensities in two independent samples
Author: Josef Perktold
License: BSD-3
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from statsmodels.stats.base import HolderTuple
from statsmodels.stats.weightstats import _zstat_generic2
[docs]def test_poisson_2indep(count1, exposure1, count2, exposure2, ratio_null=1,
method='score', alternative='two-sided',
'''test for ratio of two sample Poisson intensities
If the two Poisson rates are g1 and g2, then the Null hypothesis is
- H0: g1 / g2 = ratio_null
against one of the following alternatives
- H1_2-sided: g1 / g2 != ratio_null
- H1_larger: g1 / g2 > ratio_null
- H1_smaller: g1 / g2 < ratio_null
count1 : int
Number of events in first sample.
exposure1 : float
Total exposure (time * subjects) in first sample.
count2 : int
Number of events in second sample.
exposure2 : float
Total exposure (time * subjects) in second sample.
ratio: float
ratio of the two Poisson rates under the Null hypothesis. Default is 1.
method : string
Method for the test statistic and the p-value. Defaults to `'score'`.
Current Methods are based on Gu et. al 2008.
Implemented are 'wald', 'score' and 'sqrt' based asymptotic normal
distribution, and the exact conditional test 'exact-cond', and its
mid-point version 'cond-midp'. method='etest' and method='etest-wald'
provide pvalues from `etest_poisson_2indep` using score or wald
statistic respectively.
see Notes.
alternative : string
The alternative hypothesis, H1, has to be one of the following
- 'two-sided': H1: ratio of rates is not equal to ratio_null (default)
- 'larger' : H1: ratio of rates is larger than ratio_null
- 'smaller' : H1: ratio of rates is smaller than ratio_null
etest_kwds: dictionary
Additional parameters to be passed to the etest_poisson_2indep
function, namely ygrid.
results : instance of HolderTuple class
The two main attributes are test statistic `statistic` and p-value
- 'wald': method W1A, wald test, variance based on separate estimates
- 'score': method W2A, score test, variance based on estimate under Null
- 'wald-log': W3A
- 'score-log' W4A
- 'sqrt': W5A, based on variance stabilizing square root transformation
- 'exact-cond': exact conditional test based on binomial distribution
- 'cond-midp': midpoint-pvalue of exact conditional test
- 'etest': etest with score test statistic
- 'etest-wald': etest with wald test statistic
Gu, Ng, Tang, Schucany 2008: Testing the Ratio of Two Poisson Rates,
Biometrical Journal 50 (2008) 2, 2008
See Also
# shortcut names
y1, n1, y2, n2 = count1, exposure1, count2, exposure2
d = n2 / n1
r = ratio_null
r_d = r / d
if method in ['score']:
stat = (y1 - y2 * r_d) / np.sqrt((y1 + y2) * r_d)
dist = 'normal'
elif method in ['wald']:
stat = (y1 - y2 * r_d) / np.sqrt(y1 + y2 * r_d**2)
dist = 'normal'
elif method in ['sqrt']:
stat = 2 * (np.sqrt(y1 + 3 / 8.) - np.sqrt((y2 + 3 / 8.) * r_d))
stat /= np.sqrt(1 + r_d)
dist = 'normal'
elif method in ['exact-cond', 'cond-midp']:
from statsmodels.stats import proportion
bp = r_d / (1 + r_d)
y_total = y1 + y2
stat = None
# TODO: why y2 in here and not y1, check definition of H1 "larger"
pvalue = proportion.binom_test(y1, y_total, prop=bp,
if method in ['cond-midp']:
# not inplace in case we still want binom pvalue
pvalue = pvalue - 0.5 * stats.binom.pmf(y1, y_total, bp)
dist = 'binomial'
elif method.startswith('etest'):
if method.endswith('wald'):
method_etest = 'wald'
method_etest = 'score'
if etest_kwds is None:
etest_kwds = {}
stat, pvalue = etest_poisson_2indep(
count1, exposure1, count2, exposure2, ratio_null=ratio_null,
method=method_etest, alternative=alternative, **etest_kwds)
dist = 'poisson'
raise ValueError('method not recognized')
if dist == 'normal':
stat, pvalue = _zstat_generic2(stat, 1, alternative)
rates = (y1 / n1, y2 / n2)
ratio = rates[0] / rates[1]
res = HolderTuple(statistic=stat,
return res
[docs]def etest_poisson_2indep(count1, exposure1, count2, exposure2, ratio_null=1,
method='score', alternative='2-sided', ygrid=None):
"""E-test for ratio of two sample Poisson rates
If the two Poisson rates are g1 and g2, then the Null hypothesis is
- H0: g1 / g2 = ratio_null
against one of the following alternatives
- H1_2-sided: g1 / g2 != ratio_null
- H1_larger: g1 / g2 > ratio_null
- H1_smaller: g1 / g2 < ratio_null
count1 : int
Number of events in first sample
exposure1 : float
Total exposure (time * subjects) in first sample
count2 : int
Number of events in first sample
exposure2 : float
Total exposure (time * subjects) in first sample
ratio : float
ratio of the two Poisson rates under the Null hypothesis. Default is 1.
method : {"score", "wald"}
Method for the test statistic that defines the rejection region.
alternative : string
The alternative hypothesis, H1, has to be one of the following
'two-sided': H1: ratio of rates is not equal to ratio_null (default)
'larger' : H1: ratio of rates is larger than ratio_null
'smaller' : H1: ratio of rates is smaller than ratio_null
ygrid : None or 1-D ndarray
Grid values for counts of the Poisson distribution used for computing
the pvalue. By default truncation is based on an upper tail Poisson
stat_sample : float
test statistic for the sample
pvalue : float
Gu, Ng, Tang, Schucany 2008: Testing the Ratio of Two Poisson Rates,
Biometrical Journal 50 (2008) 2, 2008
y1, n1, y2, n2 = count1, exposure1, count2, exposure2
d = n2 / n1
r = ratio_null
r_d = r / d
eps = 1e-20 # avoid zero division in stat_func
if method in ['score']:
def stat_func(x1, x2):
return (x1 - x2 * r_d) / np.sqrt((x1 + x2) * r_d + eps)
# TODO: do I need these? return_results ?
# rate2_cmle = (y1 + y2) / n2 / (1 + r_d)
# rate1_cmle = rate2_cmle * r
# rate1 = rate1_cmle
# rate2 = rate2_cmle
elif method in ['wald']:
def stat_func(x1, x2):
return (x1 - x2 * r_d) / np.sqrt(x1 + x2 * r_d**2 + eps)
# rate2_mle = y2 / n2
# rate1_mle = y1 / n1
# rate1 = rate1_mle
# rate2 = rate2_mle
raise ValueError('method not recognized')
# The sampling distribution needs to be based on the null hypotheis
# use constrained MLE from 'score' calculation
rate2_cmle = (y1 + y2) / n2 / (1 + r_d)
rate1_cmle = rate2_cmle * r
rate1 = rate1_cmle
rate2 = rate2_cmle
mean1 = n1 * rate1
mean2 = n2 * rate2
stat_sample = stat_func(y1, y2)
# The following uses a fixed truncation for evaluating the probabilities
# It will currently only work for small counts, so that sf at truncation
# point is small
# We can make it depend on the amount of truncated sf.
# Some numerical optimization or checks for large means need to be added.
if ygrid is None:
threshold = stats.poisson.isf(1e-13, max(mean1, mean2))
threshold = max(threshold, 100) # keep at least 100
y_grid = np.arange(threshold + 1)
pdf1 = stats.poisson.pmf(y_grid, mean1)
pdf2 = stats.poisson.pmf(y_grid, mean2)
stat_space = stat_func(y_grid[:, None], y_grid[None, :]) # broadcasting
eps = 1e-15 # correction for strict inequality check
if alternative in ['two-sided', '2-sided', '2s']:
mask = np.abs(stat_space) >= np.abs(stat_sample) - eps
elif alternative in ['larger', 'l']:
mask = stat_space >= stat_sample - eps
elif alternative in ['smaller', 's']:
mask = stat_space <= stat_sample + eps
raise ValueError('invalid alternative')
pvalue = ((pdf1[:, None] * pdf2[None, :])[mask]).sum()
return stat_sample, pvalue
[docs]def tost_poisson_2indep(count1, exposure1, count2, exposure2, low, upp,
'''Equivalence test based on two one-sided `test_proportions_2indep`
This assumes that we have two independent binomial samples.
The Null and alternative hypothesis for equivalence testing are
- H0: g1 / g2 <= low or upp <= g1 / g2
- H1: low < g1 / g2 < upp
where g1 and g2 are the Poisson rates.
count1 : int
Number of events in first sample
exposure1 : float
Total exposure (time * subjects) in first sample
count2 : int
Number of events in second sample
exposure2 : float
Total exposure (time * subjects) in second sample
low, upp :
equivalence margin for the ratio of Poisson rates
method: string
Method for the test statistic and the p-value. Defaults to `'score'`.
Current Methods are based on Gu et. al 2008
Implemented are 'wald', 'score' and 'sqrt' based asymptotic normal
distribution, and the exact conditional test 'exact-cond', and its
mid-point version 'cond-midp', see Notes
results : instance of HolderTuple class
The two main attributes are test statistic `statistic` and p-value
- 'wald': method W1A, wald test, variance based on separate estimates
- 'score': method W2A, score test, variance based on estimate under Null
- 'wald-log': W3A not implemented
- 'score-log' W4A not implemented
- 'sqrt': W5A, based on variance stabilizing square root transformation
- 'exact-cond': exact conditional test based on binomial distribution
- 'cond-midp': midpoint-pvalue of exact conditional test
The latter two are only verified for one-sided example.
Gu, Ng, Tang, Schucany 2008: Testing the Ratio of Two Poisson Rates,
Biometrical Journal 50 (2008) 2, 2008
See Also
tt1 = test_poisson_2indep(count1, exposure1, count2, exposure2,
ratio_null=low, method=method,
tt2 = test_poisson_2indep(count1, exposure1, count2, exposure2,
ratio_null=upp, method=method,
idx_max = 0 if tt1.pvalue < tt2.pvalue else 1
res = HolderTuple(statistic=[tt1.statistic, tt2.statistic][idx_max],
pvalue=[tt1.pvalue, tt2.pvalue][idx_max],
title="Equivalence test for 2 independent Poisson rates"
return res