Taxation Powers Vote for the Scottish Parliament 1997¶
This data is based on the example in Gill and describes the proportion of voters who voted Yes to grant the Scottish Parliament taxation powers. The data are divided into 32 council districts. This example’s explanatory variables include the amount of council tax collected in pounds sterling as of April 1997 per two adults before adjustments, the female percentage of total claims for unemployment benefits as of January, 1998, the standardized mortality rate (UK is 100), the percentage of labor force participation, regional GDP, the percentage of children aged 5 to 15, and an interaction term between female unemployment and the council tax.
The original source files and variable information are included in /scotland/src/
Number of Observations - 32 (1 for each Scottish district)
Number of Variables - 8
Variable name definitions::
YES - Proportion voting yes to granting taxation powers to the
Scottish parliament.
COUTAX - Amount of council tax collected in pounds steling as of
April '97
UNEMPF - Female percentage of total unemployment benefits claims as of
January 1998
MOR - The standardized mortality rate (UK is 100)
ACT - Labor force participation (Short for active)
GDP - GDP per county
AGE - Percentage of children aged 5 to 15 in the county
Council district names are included in the data file, though are not
returned by load.
Jeff Gill’s Generalized Linear Models: A Unified Approach
Used with express permission from the original author, who retains all rights.