
This section collects various additional functions and methods for statistical distributions.

Empirical Distributions

ECDF(x[, side])

Return the Empirical CDF of an array as a step function.

StepFunction(x, y[, ival, sorted, side])

A basic step function.

monotone_fn_inverter(fn, x[, vectorized])

Given a monotone function fn (no checking is done to verify monotonicity) and a set of x values, return an linearly interpolated approximation to its inverse from its values on x.

Count Distributions

The discrete module contains classes for count distributions that are based on discretizing a continuous distribution, and specific count distributions that are not available in scipy.distributions like generalized poisson and zero-inflated count models.

The latter are mainly in support of the corresponding models in statsmodels.discrete. Some methods are not specifically implemented and will use potentially slow inherited generic methods.

DiscretizedCount(*args, **kwds)

Count distribution based on discretized distribution

DiscretizedModel(endog[, exog, distr])

experimental model to fit discretized distribution


Generalized Poisson distribution


Zero Inflated Generalized Poisson distribution


Zero Inflated Generalized Negative Binomial distribution


Zero Inflated Poisson distribution


The copula sub-module provides classes to model the dependence between parameters. Copulae are used to construct a multivariate joint distribution and provide a set of functions like sampling, PDF, CDF.

CopulaDistribution(copula, marginals[, cop_args])

Multivariate copula distribution

ArchimedeanCopula(transform[, args, k_dim])

Base class for Archimedean copulas

FrankCopula([theta, k_dim])

Frank copula.

ClaytonCopula([theta, k_dim])

Clayton copula.

GumbelCopula([theta, k_dim])

Gumbel copula.

GaussianCopula([corr, k_dim])

Gaussian copula.

StudentTCopula([corr, df, k_dim])

Student t copula.

ExtremeValueCopula(transform[, args, k_dim])

Extreme value copula constructed from Pickand's dependence function.


Independence copula.

Distribution Extras

Skew Distributions


Univariate Skew-Normal distribution of Azzalini

SkewNorm2_gen([momtype, a, b, xtol, ...])

Univariate Skew-Normal distribution of Azzalini


Univariate Skew-T distribution of Azzalini


Univariate Skew-Normal distribution of Azzalini

Distributions based on Gram-Charlier expansion


Return the Gaussian expanded pdf function given the list of central moments (first one is mean).


Return the Gaussian expanded pdf function given the list of 1st, 2nd moment and skew and Fisher (excess) kurtosis.


Return the Gaussian expanded pdf function given the list of central moments (first one is mean).

NormExpan_gen(args, **kwds)

Gram-Charlier Expansion of Normal distribution

cdf of multivariate normal wrapper for scipy.stats

mvstdnormcdf(lower, upper, corrcoef, **kwds)

standardized multivariate normal cumulative distribution function

mvnormcdf(upper, mu, cov[, lower])

Multivariate normal cumulative distribution function

Univariate Distributions by non-linear Transformations

Univariate distributions can be generated from a non-linear transformation of an existing univariate distribution. Transf_gen is a class that can generate a new distribution from a monotonic transformation, TransfTwo_gen can use hump-shaped or u-shaped transformation, such as abs or square. The remaining objects are special cases.

TransfTwo_gen(kls, func, funcinvplus, ...)

Distribution based on a non-monotonic (u- or hump-shaped transformation)

Transf_gen(kls, func, funcinv, *args, **kwargs)

a class for non-linear monotonic transformation of a continuous random variable

ExpTransf_gen(kls, *args, **kwargs)

Distribution based on log/exp transformation

LogTransf_gen(kls, *args, **kwargs)

Distribution based on log/exp transformation


class to hold quadratic function with inverse function and derivative


Distribution based on a non-monotonic (u- or hump-shaped transformation)


a class for non-linear monotonic transformation of a continuous random variable


univariate distribution of a non-linear monotonic transformation of a random variable


a class for non-linear monotonic transformation of a continuous random variable


Distribution based on a non-monotonic (u- or hump-shaped transformation)


Distribution based on a non-monotonic (u- or hump-shaped transformation)


Distribution based on a non-monotonic (u- or hump-shaped transformation)

Helper Functions


Turn seed into a random number generator.