Generalized Linear Models¶
Generalized linear models currently supports estimation using the one-parameter exponential families.
See Module Reference for commands and arguments.
# Load modules and data
In [1]: import statsmodels.api as sm
In [2]: data = sm.datasets.scotland.load()
In [3]: data.exog = sm.add_constant(data.exog)
# Instantiate a gamma family model with the default link function.
In [4]: gamma_model = sm.GLM(data.endog, data.exog, family=sm.families.Gamma())
In [5]: gamma_results =
In [6]: print(gamma_results.summary())
Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable: YES No. Observations: 32
Model: GLM Df Residuals: 24
Model Family: Gamma Df Model: 7
Link Function: InversePower Scale: 0.0035843
Method: IRLS Log-Likelihood: -83.017
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2025 Deviance: 0.087389
Time: 12:58:44 Pearson chi2: 0.0860
No. Iterations: 6 Pseudo R-squ. (CS): 0.9800
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
const -0.0178 0.011 -1.548 0.122 -0.040 0.005
COUTAX 4.962e-05 1.62e-05 3.060 0.002 1.78e-05 8.14e-05
UNEMPF 0.0020 0.001 3.824 0.000 0.001 0.003
MOR -7.181e-05 2.71e-05 -2.648 0.008 -0.000 -1.87e-05
ACT 0.0001 4.06e-05 2.757 0.006 3.23e-05 0.000
GDP -1.468e-07 1.24e-07 -1.187 0.235 -3.89e-07 9.56e-08
AGE -0.0005 0.000 -2.159 0.031 -0.001 -4.78e-05
COUTAX_FEMALEUNEMP -2.427e-06 7.46e-07 -3.253 0.001 -3.89e-06 -9.65e-07
Detailed examples can be found here:
Technical Documentation¶
The statistical model for each observation \(i\) is assumed to be
\(Y_i \sim F_{EDM}(\cdot|\theta,\phi,w_i)\) and \(\mu_i = E[Y_i|x_i] = g^{-1}(x_i^\prime\beta)\).
where \(g\) is the link function and \(F_{EDM}(\cdot|\theta,\phi,w)\) is a distribution of the family of exponential dispersion models (EDM) with natural parameter \(\theta\), scale parameter \(\phi\) and weight \(w\). Its density is given by
\(f_{EDM}(y|\theta,\phi,w) = c(y,\phi,w) \exp\left(\frac{y\theta-b(\theta)}{\phi}w\right)\,.\)
It follows that \(\mu = b'(\theta)\) and \(Var[Y|x]=\frac{\phi}{w}b''(\theta)\). The inverse of the first equation gives the natural parameter as a function of the expected value \(\theta(\mu)\) such that
\(Var[Y_i|x_i] = \frac{\phi}{w_i} v(\mu_i)\)
with \(v(\mu) = b''(\theta(\mu))\). Therefore it is said that a GLM is determined by link function \(g\) and variance function \(v(\mu)\) alone (and \(x\) of course).
Note that while \(\phi\) is the same for every observation \(y_i\) and therefore does not influence the estimation of \(\beta\), the weights \(w_i\) might be different for every \(y_i\) such that the estimation of \(\beta\) depends on them.
Distribution |
Domain |
\(\mu=E[Y|x]\) |
\(v(\mu)\) |
\(\theta(\mu)\) |
\(b(\theta)\) |
\(\phi\) |
Binomial \(B(n,p)\) |
\(0,1,\ldots,n\) |
\(np\) |
\(\mu-\frac{\mu^2}{n}\) |
\(\log\frac{p}{1-p}\) |
\(n\log(1+e^\theta)\) |
1 |
Poisson \(P(\mu)\) |
\(0,1,\ldots,\infty\) |
\(\mu\) |
\(\mu\) |
\(\log(\mu)\) |
\(e^\theta\) |
1 |
Neg. Binom. \(NB(\mu,\alpha)\) |
\(0,1,\ldots,\infty\) |
\(\mu\) |
\(\mu+\alpha\mu^2\) |
\(\log(\frac{\alpha\mu}{1+\alpha\mu})\) |
\(-\frac{1}{\alpha}\log(1-\alpha e^\theta)\) |
1 |
Gaussian/Normal \(N(\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
\((-\infty,\infty)\) |
\(\mu\) |
\(1\) |
\(\mu\) |
\(\frac{1}{2}\theta^2\) |
\(\sigma^2\) |
Gamma \(N(\mu,\nu)\) |
\((0,\infty)\) |
\(\mu\) |
\(\mu^2\) |
\(-\frac{1}{\mu}\) |
\(-\log(-\theta)\) |
\(\frac{1}{\nu}\) |
Inv. Gauss. \(IG(\mu,\sigma^2)\) |
\((0,\infty)\) |
\(\mu\) |
\(\mu^3\) |
\(-\frac{1}{2\mu^2}\) |
\(-\sqrt{-2\theta}\) |
\(\sigma^2\) |
Tweedie \(p\geq 1\) |
depends on \(p\) |
\(\mu\) |
\(\mu^p\) |
\(\frac{\mu^{1-p}}{1-p}\) |
\(\frac{\alpha-1}{\alpha}\left(\frac{\theta}{\alpha-1}\right)^{\alpha}\) |
\(\phi\) |
The Tweedie distribution has special cases for \(p=0,1,2\) not listed in the table and uses \(\alpha=\frac{p-2}{p-1}\).
Correspondence of mathematical variables to code:
\(Y\) and \(y\) are coded as
, the variable one wants to model\(x\) is coded as
, the covariates alias explanatory variables\(\beta\) is coded as
, the parameters one wants to estimate\(\mu\) is coded as
, the expectation (conditional on \(x\)) of \(Y\)\(g\) is coded as
argument to theclass Family
\(\phi\) is coded as
, the dispersion parameter of the EDM\(w\) is not yet supported (i.e. \(w=1\)), in the future it might be
\(p\) is coded as
for the power of the variance function \(v(\mu)\) of the Tweedie distribution, see table\(\alpha\) is either
Negative Binomial: the ancillary parameter
, see tableTweedie: an abbreviation for \(\frac{p-2}{p-1}\) of the power \(p\) of the variance function, see table
Gill, Jeff. 2000. Generalized Linear Models: A Unified Approach. SAGE QASS Series.
Green, PJ. 1984. “Iteratively reweighted least squares for maximum likelihood estimation, and some robust and resistant alternatives.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 46, 149-192.
Hardin, J.W. and Hilbe, J.M. 2007. “Generalized Linear Models and Extensions.” 2nd ed. Stata Press, College Station, TX.
McCullagh, P. and Nelder, J.A. 1989. “Generalized Linear Models.” 2nd ed. Chapman & Hall, Boca Rotan.
Module Reference¶
Model Class¶
Generalized Linear Models |
Results Class¶
Class to contain GLM results. |
Prediction results for GLM. |
The distribution families currently implemented are
The parent class for one-parameter exponential families. |
Binomial exponential family distribution. |
Gamma exponential family distribution. |
Gaussian exponential family distribution. |
InverseGaussian exponential family. |
Negative Binomial exponential family (corresponds to NB2). |
Poisson exponential family. |
Tweedie family. |
Link Functions¶
Note: The lower case link classes have been deprecated and will be removed in future. Link classes now follow the Python class name convention.
The link functions currently implemented are the following. Not all link functions are available for each distribution family. The list of available link functions can be obtained by
A generic link function for one-parameter exponential family. |
The use the CDF of a scipy.stats distribution |
The complementary log-log transform |
The log-log transform |
The log-complement transform |
The log transform |
The logit transform |
The negative binomial link function |
The power transform |
The Cauchy (standard Cauchy CDF) transform |
The identity transform |
The inverse transform |
The inverse squared transform |
The probit (standard normal CDF) transform |
Variance Functions¶
Each of the families has an associated variance function. You can access the variance functions here:
>>> sm.families.<familyname>.variance
Relates the variance of a random variable to its mean. |
The call method of constant returns a constant variance, i.e., a vector of ones. |
Power variance function |
Returns np.fabs(mu) |
Returns np.fabs(mu)**2 |
Returns np.fabs(mu)**3 |
Binomial variance function |
The binomial variance function for n = 1 |
Negative binomial variance function |
Negative Binomial variance function. |