User Guide¶ Background¶ endog, exog, what’s that? Import Paths and Structure Fitting models using R-style formulas Pitfalls Regression and Linear Models¶ Linear Regression Generalized Linear Models Generalized Estimating Equations Generalized Additive Models (GAM) Robust Linear Models Linear Mixed Effects Models Regression with Discrete Dependent Variable Generalized Linear Mixed Effects Models ANOVA Other Models othermod Time Series Analysis¶ Time Series analysis tsa Time Series Analysis by State Space Methods statespace Vector Autoregressions tsa.vector_ar Other Models¶ Methods for Survival and Duration Analysis Nonparametric Methods nonparametric Generalized Method of Moments gmm Other Models miscmodels Multivariate Statistics multivariate Statistics and Tools¶ Statistics stats Contingency tables Multiple Imputation with Chained Equations Treatment Effects treatment Empirical Likelihood emplike Distributions Graphics Input-Output iolib Tools Working with Large Data Sets Optimization Data Sets¶ The Datasets Package Sandbox¶ Sandbox