, y, *, ax=None, lags=None, negative_lags=False, alpha=0.05, use_vlines=True, adjusted=False, fft=False, title='Cross-correlation', auto_ylims=False, vlines_kwargs=None, **kwargs)[source]

Plot the cross-correlation function

Correlations between x and the lags of y are calculated.

The lags are shown on the horizontal axis and the correlations on the vertical axis.

x, yarray_like

Arrays of time-series values.

axAxesSubplot, optional

If given, this subplot is used to plot in, otherwise a new figure with one subplot is created.

lags{int, array_like}, optional

An int or array of lag values, used on the horizontal axis. Uses np.arange(lags) when lags is an int. If not provided, lags=np.arange(len(corr)) is used.

negative_lags: bool, optional

If True, negative lags are shown on the horizontal axis.

alphascalar, optional

If a number is given, the confidence intervals for the given level are plotted, e.g. if alpha=.05, 95 % confidence intervals are shown. If None, confidence intervals are not shown on the plot.

use_vlinesbool, optional

If True, shows vertical lines and markers for the correlation values. If False, only shows markers. The default marker is ‘o’; it can be overridden with a marker kwarg.


If True, then denominators for cross-correlations are n-k, otherwise n.

fftbool, optional

If True, computes the CCF via FFT.

titlestr, optional

Title to place on plot. Default is ‘Cross-correlation’.

auto_ylimsbool, optional

If True, adjusts automatically the vertical axis limits to CCF values.

vlines_kwargsdict, optional

Optional dictionary of keyword arguments that are passed to vlines.

**kwargskwargs, optional

Optional keyword arguments that are directly passed on to the Matplotlib plot and axhline functions.


The figure where the plot is drawn. This is either an existing figure if the ax argument is provided, or a newly created figure if ax is None.


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import statsmodels.api as sm
>>> dta = sm.datasets.macrodata.load_pandas().data
>>> diffed = dta.diff().dropna()
>>>["unemp"], diffed["infl"])

Last update: Oct 03, 2024